Mobile BI Picks Up Steam, Offers Potential for the Channel
After email and apps such as calendaring, BI apps rank third in terms of being critical or very important. email: 89%, personal information management: 73%, business intelligence: 71%, CRM application access: 51%, collaboration framework: 49%
Organizations are starting to appreciate the ability to make decisions faster and better. critical: 15%, very important: 40%, somewhat important: 35%, unimportant: 10%
Smaller organizations appear to have a significantly greater appreciation for mobile BI. One to 100 employees: 70%, 101 to 1,000 employees: 50%, 1,000 to 5,000 employees: 35%, More than 5,000 employees: 49%
A little less than 75% lack some level of preparedness, which creates consulting opportunities for solution providers. completely prepared: 28%, somewhat prepared: 44%, somewhat unprepared: 24%, completely unprepared: 9%
Mobile and cloud may be intimately linked, but there is still much work to be done. existing in-house apps and services: 55%, public cloud: 23%, private cloud: 22%
In terms of being considered most critical or very important, there’s a lot of integration opportunity for the channel. multi-touch interface: 62%, location awareness/GPS integration: 50%, context awareness or activity recognition: 39%, camera integration: 30%, voice command: 18%
Mobile BI has already gained a strong foothold that can be better exploited in 2014. server only: 50.2%, mobile device and server: 49.5%
73% plan to increase their mobile BI investments by 1% to 40%, 22% expect to increase them 41% or more, and 5% said “none.” 18% by 21% to 41%, 30% by 11% to 30%, 25% by 1% to 10%