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Mobile BI Picks Up Steam, Offers Potential for the Channel

Top Mobile Computing AppsTop Mobile Computing Apps

After email and apps such as calendaring, BI apps rank third in terms of being critical or very important. email: 89%, personal information management: 73%, business intelligence: 71%, CRM application access: 51%, collaboration framework: 49%

Importance of Mobile BI in 2013Importance of Mobile BI in 2013

Organizations are starting to appreciate the ability to make decisions faster and better. critical: 15%, very important: 40%, somewhat important: 35%, unimportant: 10%

Importance of Mobile BI by Company SizeImportance of Mobile BI by Company Size

Smaller organizations appear to have a significantly greater appreciation for mobile BI. One to 100 employees: 70%, 101 to 1,000 employees: 50%, 1,000 to 5,000 employees: 35%, More than 5,000 employees: 49%

Cultural Preparedness for Mobile BICultural Preparedness for Mobile BI

A little less than 75% lack some level of preparedness, which creates consulting opportunities for solution providers. completely prepared: 28%, somewhat prepared: 44%, somewhat unprepared: 24%, completely unprepared: 9%

Types of Back-End Systems Supporting Mobile BITypes of Back-End Systems Supporting Mobile BI

Mobile and cloud may be intimately linked, but there is still much work to be done. existing in-house apps and services: 55%, public cloud: 23%, private cloud: 22%

Top-Five Mobile BI Integration PrioritiesTop-Five Mobile BI Integration Priorities

In terms of being considered most critical or very important, there’s a lot of integration opportunity for the channel. multi-touch interface: 62%, location awareness/GPS integration: 50%, context awareness or activity recognition: 39%, camera integration: 30%, voice command: 18%

Mobile vs. Server-Resident BIMobile vs. Server-Resident BI

Mobile BI has already gained a strong foothold that can be better exploited in 2014. server only: 50.2%, mobile device and server: 49.5%

Mobile BI Adoption Starts to Gain Ground in 2014Mobile BI Adoption Starts to Gain Ground in 2014

73% plan to increase their mobile BI investments by 1% to 40%, 22% expect to increase them 41% or more, and 5% said “none.” 18% by 21% to 41%, 30% by 11% to 30%, 25% by 1% to 10%

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