Channel Insider Editorial Policy
Our mission — to provide the best, most trustworthy answer to managed service providers and other channel partners — is at the forefront of our editorial policy. Specifically, we strive to ensure our articles are all of the following:
- Accurate: We provide advice that is current, relevant, and correct.
- Clear: Our recommendations are easy to understand and take action on.
- Authoritative: All articles are comprehensive and written by topic experts.
- Objective: Any products we recommend have undergone rigorous evaluation.
- Specific: Our writing covers each topic through detailed steps, tips, and examples.
- Accessible: You can find your answer whether you skim the article or read it in depth.
To meet these standards, we ask ourselves who our reader is, what they want to accomplish, and what related information they may need to know. We also focus on where they are in their understanding of the topic and how that determines the type of article they need, as well as how we can deliver our advice in the clearest, most actionable way possible.
Editorial Independence
In all of our articles, including but not limited to product reviews and buyer’s guides, editorial independence is our priority. We make money through partnerships with product and service providers, but our partners understand that if they’re not the best option to help our readers solve a problem or reach a goal, we will not include them in the article. Every recommendation we make is solely based on our expert writers’ data-driven evaluation of the available products.
Plagiarism or duplication of previous writing is not allowed and will be met with termination and/or other disciplinary action.