Mobile app dev and the cloud

Nearly half (45%) reported missing app deployment success goals (such as number of apps, quality of apps, budget, business impact and time expectations).

Many organizations underestimate the complexities involved. Nearly one in five failed to meet budget requirements, and a similar proportion had to produce fewer apps than planned. Another 5% of enterprises failed entirely in their attempts to produce apps.

Only 11% of the app masters relied on internal resources. Nearly a third of the IT decision-makers from app masters relied on external infrastructure partners, vs. 12% for the overall sample.

Mobile computing creates additional channel opportunities. Of the app masters, 85% are replacing legacy components with public or private cloud alternatives.

Only 12% of the overall sample are equally committed to the cloud. On average, the app master enterprises reported moving 80% of their infrastructure to IaaS and 80% of their application development to PaaS.

The cloud and the channel are increasingly linked. A full 61% of the app masters agreed that being cloud-first by making use of IaaS, PaaS and mobile-backends-as-a-service (MBaaS), while strategically approaching external resources, is extremely relevant.

The API Economy comes to mobile computing. Two-thirds report making use of APIs and advanced analytics to build mobile apps.

Mobile is about taking latency out of business processes. Among the organizations that succeed with mobile applications, the top two benefits were improved customer satisfaction and increased revenues.