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1 - Think Seriously About AuditsThink Seriously About Audits

When more consumer products come into the office, companies need to perform security audits to see where the gaps are. The channel should play a key role in that effort.

2 - Security Software ImplementationSecurity Software Implementation

After the audits are complete, VARs should be asking themselves a simple question: What kind of security software do clients need to keep themselves safe against BYOD?

3 - Security Hardware ImplementationSecurity Hardware Implementation

If software isn’t enough, be sure to also deliver to customers any security hardware products to keep networks safe from BYOD.

4 - Some Companies Still Desire Their Own PurchasesSome Companies Still Desire Their Own Purchases

Let’s not forget that 18% of companies still want to buy tablets. That’s why you’re there, and that can’t be forgotten.

5 - Identity Management Becomes a Going ConcernIdentity Management Becomes a Going Concern

Who is accessing what application and from what device? Many companies won’t know as BYOD becomes more prominent. Help them find that out.

6 - What Physical Security Value Is There?What Physical Security Value Is There?

With BYOD, products that contain company files are in homes, at Starbucks and elsewhere. Think about ways to add value through physical security to ensure products don’t get stolen.

7 - Full Application ManagementFull Application Management

Applications will play a crucial role in a company’s ability to productively perform its job function. Think seriously about providing full application management.

8 - Bring On the Desktop VirtualizationBring On the Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization will be huge with BYOD. Mobile users will still need to connect to desktop applications. You can be the intermediary to make that happen.

9 - Consider the Network NeedsConsider the Network Needs

Network security and intrusions could be a huge concern for IT departments. Talk now about BYOD and how that impacts the network to see how you can add value.

10 - Bring Your Own DevicesBring Your Own Devices

What devices should companies be using and what might you do to make it more lucrative for them to invest in your service rather than BYOD?