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TwinStrata, a provider of cloud-based data storage, backup and
disaster recovery solutions, announced the release of its CloudArray
storage gateway that enables companies to deploy Cloud SANs—enterprise
storage solutions that combine public cloud, private cloud and existing
SAN, NAS or DAS storage. CloudArray 3.0 is a cloud storage gateway that
enables companies to leverage public, private and existing storage to
deploy a Cloud SAN that offers multi-tenant and multi-site scalability.

Cloud SANs give organizations the ability to activate virtual or
physical arrays with local speed performance, data reduction,
high-availability, encryption, centralized disaster recovery and
centralized capacity management. With CloudArray 3.0, companies can
utilize existing SAN, NAS or DAS storage infrastructures for their
Cloud, providing expansion to commercial public or private cloud
storage solutions over time.

TwinStrata’s three-step configuration is designed to enable global
access to Cloud SANs, while centralized capacity management and
disaster recovery help mitigate concerns about remote sites running out
of storage and the need to administer backup and data protection
operations across sites. CloudArray 3.0 is currently available with
pricing starting at $4,995 for the CloudArray virtual appliance and
$8,995 for the entry-level physical appliance.

"The part of TwinStrata’s strategy that other competitors have
failed to grasp is being able to work with any cloud or existing
storage infrastructure. Companies make decisions about where their data
is stored that they can’t easily change –TwinStrata’s ability to work
with them is a key differentiator," said Mike Kahn, managing director
at anayltics firm The Clipper Group.

The CloudArray 3.0 features file-based storage (NAS, DAS, SAN) in
addition to public and private cloud integration, rapid 3-step initial
configuration, dynamic cache sizing, for 1-click cache optimization
without down time or migration of data, new management and monitoring
tools, Amazon S3 regional storage support for international and
government deployments and broader cloud storage ecosystem including

"Our core value is Zero-Friction Enterprise Storage, and TwinStrata
CloudArray 3.0 removes all friction-points to cloud storage adoption,
extending the many advantages of cloud storage to existing storage
infrastructures," said Nicos Vekiarides, CEO at TwinStrata. "CloudArray
provides a rapid entry point into cloud storage, without elaborate
planning and costly deployments that allows customers to seamlessly
roll into public or private clouds in the future."

The ability of CloudArray 3.0 to bring existing storage assets into
a total Cloud SAN infrastructure is the latest expansion of
TwinStrata’s comprehensive CloudArray ecosystem. Solutions range from
off-site backups and storage tiering to applications, including
Exchange, SharePoint and SQL Server, and virtually any block storage
application. CloudArray virtual appliance software is included with
every distribution of Veeam Backup and Replication and DataCore
SANsymphony-V storage hypervisor.

"Our TwinStrata-powered Cloud SAN allows us to keep up with the
constant business and technology changes we face." said Joe Kempenich,
vice president of information technology for National Lloyds &
American Summit Insurance. "TwinStrata CloudArray integrates our
network and mainframe applications with the public cloud for near
unlimited, reliable storage. We have finally found a storage solution
that is both flexible and simple to operate."