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LifeSize Communications has achieved the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) certification for select LifeSize Room, Team, and Express HD video conferencing systems and the LifeSize Networker gateway, the company has announced, enabling their implementation by the U.S. Department of Defense. The move is part of an expansion of LifeSize’s expansion of its federal sales efforts.

LifeSize, which was acquired by Logitech in 2009 and operates as a division within that peripherals company, received the Interoperability Certification and Information Assurance accreditation from JITC, the organizational element of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) responsible for certifying joint and combined interoperability of all Department of Defense (DoD) information technology and national security systems.

“HD video conferencing is in great demand by government organizations that are often geographically dispersed and rely heavily on technology to fulfill their mission,” said Paul Cantwell, the new vice president of federal sales for LifeSize. “The JITC certification will now allow all DoD agencies to realize the quality, productivity improvements, return on investment and interoperability that LifeSize systems provide.”

With the JITC certification, LifeSize products are now available through the DoD Unified Capabilities Approved Products List (UC APL). As part of JITC certification, the products were determined to meet IPv6 requirements.

Cantwell, a Cisco and Tandberg veteran with experience in both the federal market and video conferencing, recently joined LifeSize as part of the company’s expansion of its federal sales organization.

LifeSize is also in the final stages of earning the Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS 140-2).

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