Close to two out of three U.S. workers check their e-mail outside of regular business hours.
About 65 percent of men say they check e-mail during their off-hours, compared to 51 percent of women.
Among those who do peek at their inboxes during non-business hours, 42 percent of those say they check e-mails when they’re at home sick.
Approximately 27 percent of those who do look at e-mail during down time say they do it because they feel they’re expected to respond quickly even outside regular business hours.
About 37 percent say they do it because they might miss something important.
Around 43 percent say they also check e-mail outside work hours in order to ease their workload.
And about 18 percent say they think the habit is a necessity for advancing their careers.
Among those who do check e-mail during off hours, close to one in five say they do it while in bed.
Exactly half of them say they do it while on vacation.