Heads-up sales by mobile-savvy channel partners may yield better benefits now than even just two years ago, given the way that telecommuting is trending. According to a recent survey completed by Harris Interactive on behalf of Riverbed Technology, American workers are working off-site more often these days and are accessing business files from off-site locations in droves. That spells opportunity with a big "O" for resellers and channel providers seeking to sell solutions that enable remote access and user mobility.

Approximately 47% of respondents work off-site more often now than they did two years ago.

Many workers focus better when they don’t have to deal with in-office stresses–about 54% said they concentrate better when working off-site.

Two-thirds of workers said they’d like to work off-site more frequently than they currently do.

Approximately one-third of workers said the way they remotely access business files or software negatively impacts their off-site productivity.

And 40% reported that they would work off-site more often if their business files or software would load more quickly.

Taking a look at the demographics of remote workers, 29% work off-site at least five times per week.

Access during business travel is another obvious growth nice for workers who tap into company resources remotely. Approximately 27% do so from another company location, 37% have done so from a hotel room, 19% from an airport and 17% from a business conference.

But workers are even sneaking in work during leisure time. Around 20% of respondents reported accessing business files or software from a vacation destination and 13% from Wi-Fi enabled public spaces such as parks.