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Cloud study

1 - Sorting Through the Layers of Cloud ComputingSorting Through Cloud Computing’s Complex Layers

IT organizations need more financial visibility into cloud computing scenarios in order to manage today’s complex cloud environments, new research suggests.

2 - Cloud Computing UseCloud Computing Use

Nine in 10 companies (90%) are currently using the cloud to one degree or another, but only 15% describe their use as advanced. Additionally, 8% report no use of cloud services.

3 - Types of Cloud UseTypes of Cloud Use

Nearly a third (31%) of cloud strategies employ a hybrid model. Another 23% have built an on-premise cloud, while another 18% are using a third-party cloud. Only 6% rely totally on all public clouds.

4 - Depth of Cloud UseDepth of Cloud Use

Only 37% of attendees have a quarter or more of their services in the cloud today. Another 63% have less than a quarter in the cloud.

5 - Use of Microsoft Cloud ServicesUse of Microsoft Cloud Services

A full 84% are currently using Microsoft cloud technologies, mostly in the form of Microsoft Office 365 (54%). Only 32% are using Microsoft Azure cloud.

6 - Reasons for Using the CloudReasons for Using the Cloud

Reducing costs and improving IT efficiency top the list of desired cloud benefits, at 25% each. Speed of innovation comes in third place, at 18%.

7 - Tracking Cloud Use CostsTracking Cloud Use Costs

Nearly three-quarters (72%) indicate that tracking cloud use and costs is either extremely (35%) or very important (37%).

8 - Ability to Track Cloud UseAbility to Track Cloud Use

Only 45% rated their ability to track cloud use and costs as very good or excellent. A full 27% rated their ability as either poor or horrible.

9 - The Importance of ForecastingThe Importance of Forecasting

More than half the companies (57%) want to use cloud consumption and usage data to improve forecasting capabilities. Another 39% want to be able to compare costs, while 37% want to implement chargeback/showback for business units.

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