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Cloud confusion

1 - Cloud Computing AdoptionCloud Computing Adoption

Familiarity with cloud computing is growing: 81% of those polled reported they have already embraced hybrid cloud computing using public clouds.

2 - Cloud Computing MomentumCloud Computing Momentum

Next year may very well be the cloud tipping point. One-third said they now have more than 25% of their IT running in the cloud.

3 - Flying Blind in the CloudFlying Blind in the Cloud

Cloud management processes are immature at best: 62% admit to having little visibility into the cloud.

4 - Cloud Computing ControlCloud Computing Control

Loss of control makes IT organizations nervous. A full 75% don’t have any tools to control cloud sprawl.

5 - Primary Cloud Computing ConcernsPrimary Cloud Computing Concerns

19% said they don’t leverage public clouds; 40% of those respondents cited security and privacy issues.

6 - Cloud Computing TrainingCloud Computing Training

Training for the most part is on the job. One in three people working in cloud environments is not adequately trained.

7 - Size of the IT OrganizationSize of the IT Organization

The cloud brings more reliance on automated IT services: 41% said their IT staffs are shrinking in size.

8 - Cloud Computing CostsCloud Computing Costs

Cloud computing is often an act of faith. Just over half (52%) admit they don’t have any way to determine what they are paying for.

9 - Public Cloud Spending PlansPublic Cloud Spending Plans

Public cloud adoption gains more momentum. A full 71% said they will increase spending in the next 12 months.

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