Cloud confusion

Familiarity with cloud computing is growing: 81% of those polled reported they have already embraced hybrid cloud computing using public clouds.

Next year may very well be the cloud tipping point. One-third said they now have more than 25% of their IT running in the cloud.

Cloud management processes are immature at best: 62% admit to having little visibility into the cloud.

Loss of control makes IT organizations nervous. A full 75% don’t have any tools to control cloud sprawl.

19% said they don’t leverage public clouds; 40% of those respondents cited security and privacy issues.

Training for the most part is on the job. One in three people working in cloud environments is not adequately trained.

The cloud brings more reliance on automated IT services: 41% said their IT staffs are shrinking in size.

Cloud computing is often an act of faith. Just over half (52%) admit they don’t have any way to determine what they are paying for.

Public cloud adoption gains more momentum. A full 71% said they will increase spending in the next 12 months.