Container workloads
Solution providers should take note of the increased use of containers and the rise of microservices that promise to change the way apps are integrated.
58% of respondents report using Docker containers in production applications. A full 90% are using Docker containers for app development.
IT pros polled said they use Docker to advance app development agility (65%), control app environments (48%) and attain app portability (41%).
Topping the list of primary Docker workloads are front-end Web apps (78%), API/Web services (76%) and application servers (70%).
42% say they are running a traditional database on Docker containers, while 27% say they are running a distributed database.
93% report seeing some benefit to app development; 45% say they are able to release apps faster. On average, survey respondents are reporting a 13X increase in frequency of software releases.
85% report seeing some benefit to IT operations, with 57% citing improvements to operational management.
80% say Docker containers are part of their cloud strategy, 60% plan to use Docker to migrate cloud workloads, and more than 35% see Docker as a way to avoid being locked into a cloud vendor.
34% cite Docker Swam as their preferred orchestration platform, followed closely by Kubernetes, at 32%, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, or EC2, at 29%.
44% are adopting microservices to facilitate app integration. A full 78% plan to use Docker to build microservices.
78% plan to use Docker to “containerize” existing legacy apps; 39% have committed to modernizing those apps.