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Image by Getty Images via @daylife

HP and Oracle both ratcheted up the hostilities yesterday as HP sued its former CEO and now Oracle president Mark Hurd and Oracle responded with a statement from CEO Larry Ellison threatening to cut ties with HP. The companies are protecting their turf, for sure, and their shareholders’ investments. Probably the biggest losers in the whole game are HP and Oracle customers and partners who may suffer if these two companies don’t make peace.

Here’s a look at the quick moving events leading up to yesterday’s actions:

HP CEO Mark Hurd resigns following a sexual harassment scandal involving a contractor and what the HP board said were irregularities in Hurd’s expense reports.

August 6: Sexual Harassment Probe Leads to Surprise Resignation of Mark Hurd

August 8: Five possible replacements for Mark Hurd to head up HP

August 9: HP CEO Search: Tech Giant at Crossroads as Hurd Replacement Sought

August 10: Oracle’s Ellison Condemns HP Board Action on Hurd

August 12: Qualities HP’s new CEO Must Possess

September 2: Lessons to Draw from Hurd’s Departure from HP

September 7: Oracle Hires Former HP CEO Mark Hurd

September 8: HP Sues Ex-CEO Mark Hurd Over Oracle Job, Oracle Fires Back

September 8: Oracle President Mark Hurd’s Big Paycheck

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