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Business Intelligence

1 - Hadoop Becomes Mainstream Across the EnterpriseHadoop Becomes Mainstream Across the Enterprise

Nearly half the respondents to a new survey report that they are attaining tangible business value from their Hadoop investments.

2 - Hadoop UseHadoop Use

Of the organizations surveyed, 71% are using Hadoop now, but those that aren’t using Hadoop plan on doing so soon: 8% within six months, 7% within six to 12 months, and 15% within a year or more.

3 - Hadoop PerceptionsHadoop Perceptions

Well over half (62%) of the respondents view the role of Hadoop in their organizations as either strategic (47%) or game-changing (15%).

4 - Drivers of Hadoop AdoptionDrivers of Hadoop Adoption

IT is the primary driver of Hadoop adoption in organizations currently using the technology (55%) and those planning on using it in the future (54%). Just 12% of surveyed organizations that adopted Hadoop did so because of executive mandates.

5 - State of Hadoop AdoptionState of Hadoop Adoption

More than half of the respondents (56%) are still in the early stages of Hadoop deployment, with 25 nodes or fewer, while 30% have more than 50 nodes in place.

6 - Hadoop Deployment PlansHadoop Deployment Plans

When asked about their plans for Hadoop in the next 3 months, 76% of the respondents that use Hadoop expressed intentions to do more, 21% said they plan on doing the same and only 3% are cutting back.

7 - Reasons for Adopting HadoopReasons for Adopting Hadoop

More than a third (37%) cited scale-out needs, but only 17% pointed to cost savings. Other reasons for adoption include new applications (19%), revenue generation (14%) and curiosity (8%).

8 - Hadoop Deployment ScenariosHadoop Deployment Scenarios

A full 74% of organizations that have deployed Hadoop use it for ETL (extract, transform, load), 62% for data science and 65% for BI.

9 - Fate of the Enterprise Data WarehouseFate of the Enterprise Data Warehouse

Well over half (60%) of the organizations see Hadoop as either partially (40%) or completely (20%) replacing the enterprise data warehouse. The remaining 40% see Hadoop as augmenting the data warehouse.

10 - Preferred Visualization ToolsPreferred Visualization Tools

In companies that use Hadoop, Tableau (51%) is the leading BI tool, followed by Excel (45%), Business Objects (20%), and SAS Institute and SAP (16% each).

11 - ROI From HadoopROI From Hadoop

Close to half (49%) of the organizations surveyed have seen tangible value that they attribute to Hadoop. Another 45% have not yet achieved tangible value, but remain hopeful. Only 6% hold a pessimistic position.

12 - Vertical Industry AdoptionVertical Industry Adoption

Online companies are ahead of other industries in Hadoop maturity, with 86% ranking their maturity as high (37%) or medium (47%). Manufacturing and consulting rank second and third; telecommunications, financial services and health care are at the bottom of the list.

13 - Biggest Hadoop ChallengeBiggest Hadoop Challenge

A full 61% of the organizations that are planning on using Hadoop in the future and 66% that have already deployed Hadoop cited skill sets as their biggest challenge.

14 - Biggest Beneficiaries of HadoopBiggest Beneficiaries of Hadoop

Slightly more than half the respondents (52%) view marketing and sales as the biggest beneficiaries from big data, followed by operations (35%).

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