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Big data ROI

1 - Big Data an Extended Journey for Many CompaniesBig Data an Extended Journey for Many Companies

Using big data is a major challenge for most organizations, which are facing challenges in adjusting their processes to incorporate real-time analytics.

2 - Current State of Process ManagementCurrent State of Process Management

88% of respondents’ organizations now monitor most of their operational processes, and 67% have a program for optimizing and improving processes over time.

3 - Operational Process AssessmentsOperational Process Assessments

83% stated that their operational processes take too long; 86% said their organizations are either seeing, or would expect to see, benefits with collecting and analyzing data quickly.

4 - Big Data InvestmentsBig Data Investments

On average, organizations have increased their investments in the collection and analysis of data by 21% in the past 12 months. This is set to increase by 23% in the next two years.

5 - The Big Data Analytics ChallengeThe Big Data Analytics Challenge

73% agreed that analyzing a lot of data is a challenge. Worse yet, acting on the data in real time is a challenge for 65%.

6 - No Data ConfidenceNo Data Confidence

Only one-fifth of surveyed decision-makers are extremely confident in the reliability (23%), accuracy (21%) and completeness of their data (21%).

7 - No Confidence in ITNo Confidence in IT

26% believe that their IT departments are supporting their needs for real-time analysis of data. More than half (56%) of organizations are using manual processes to collect and analyze data.

8 - Biggest Big Data IT ChallengesBiggest Big Data IT Challenges

47% cited keeping data secure as their biggest big data challenge, followed closely by 46% citing the cost of storing it.

9 - Top Unfulfilled Big Data GoalsTop Unfulfilled Big Data Goals

Almost a third (32%) of respondents want to be able to predict customer behavior, while 28% want to use mobile applications to collect data.

10 - Expected Big Data BenefitsExpected Big Data Benefits

74% said more visibility into internal processes could lead to operational improvements; 65% said it would also decrease the chances of falling behind their competitors; and 41% cited missed revenue opportunities.

11 - The Cost to the BusinessThe Cost to the Business

85% said their organizations are experiencing challenges because they are failing to use data quickly. Less than half (44%) said it’s difficult to determine what processes to prioritize.