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Does unplugging from the Internet make you or any of your customers break
out in a cold sweat? Do they feel like they need to be working all the time
because of staff cutbacks and the recession? Now computer resellers and their
customers needn’t fear being away from their ERP systems due to air travel
anymore. That’s because American Airlines is joining Delta in offering an in-flight
Wi-Fi service.

American Airlines’ service, Gogo, is available for a $12.95 fee on some
cross-country domestic flights and can be used on any Wi-Fi-enabled personal
device a passenger brings onboard, including a PC notebook, a smartphone, a PDA
or a portable gaming device, according to American Airlines.

Passengers can register for the service at the Gogo kiosk in the airport
terminal or in-flight using their Wi-Fi-enabled devices.  Cell phone and voice
over IP (VOIP) services such as Skype are not available, however.

The service is available through a partnership with Wi-Fi provider Aircell,
which is working with several airlines to provide the in-flight Wi-Fi service.
It works by equipping aircraft with antennas that connect with signals on the
ground. The service will work for passengers once the aircraft reaches 10,000
feet. United Airlines is also working to add the service.


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