A recent study by InterCall provides some interesting insight into what your employees and customers may be feeling, and, not surprisingly in today’s economic environment, it’s not good. In fact, 30 percent of American workers say they feel like they need to stay connected to work 24/7, even during weekends, breaks or holidays.
25 percent of American workers say they view their job security as partially dependent on their supervisor seeing they are connected to work even after hours. In fact, one in four workers worry that if they don’t stay connected to their work during their time off they may be seen as less committed to their jobs.
17 percent of Americans report that it’s frowned upon if they don’t connect to work when on vacation and about 15 percent plan to attend at least one work-related call or web meeting during the next vacation they will take.
Almost 40 percent of employed Americans report that they are doing the job of two people because of the current economic environment and reduced staff across the board. A full 48 percent who employ technology in their everyday work agree that given the current economic environment, they are constantly required to do more work with fewer resources.
72 percent say that advanced technology, such as conferencing and collaboration tools, enables them to work faster and better while improving employee morale.
The most frequently cited reasons for using audio, web and video conferencing at work are: to be more productive㬑 percent improved collaboration with colleagues and partners㬏 percent to keep projects moving ahead㬍 percent
Workers also report using audio, web and video conferencing at work to be able to multitask㬌 percent reduce travel costs㬌 percent stay connected when away㬆 percent because of the flexibility to take meetings in a location of choice㬆 percent
More than 80 percent of American workers say that technology helps them be more efficient and more productive at work. And, 58 percent say that technology gives them a competitive advantage over their colleagues.