Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery is emerging as a business priority, but IT execs and managers don’t have the same DR priorities.

IT execs are highly confident in their firms’ DR practices to prevent service disruption (64%) and data loss or theft (57%). In comparison, IT directors and managers are less confident (39% and 36%, respectively).

When it comes to preventing noncompliance, senior IT executives are less confident than mid-level IT managers. More than a third (36%) of senior IT executives said they are extremely or very confident in their DR strategy to prevent noncompliance, compared with 61% of IT managers.

Half (50%) of the executives polled don’t believe that their companies’ disaster recovery practices are a burden to their IT staff for the daily work of testing, monitoring and managing DR plans.

70% of IT directors and managers believe disaster recovery is time-consuming, and 64% think DR is complex and difficult to deploy.

71% of execs said the prevention of data loss or theft is a critical or high priority, and 50% are worried about their organizations’ ability to deliver continuous, uninterrupted access to data.

While 86% of IT directors and managers share their executives’ views on data loss or theft, 89% believe continuous, uninterrupted data access is a higher priority.

DR is often viewed as an expensive insurance policy; 36% of IT directors consider disaster recovery a roadblock for funding and a driver for reactionary DR practices, compared to only 7% of senior executives who agree.

76% of all respondents said the threat of data loss and pressure to deliver round-the-clock service are the top influencers of their DR strategies, followed by conflicting demand to keep data secure yet easy to access (74%), and overburdened IT resources (72%).

Other top influencers include the pressure to speed product and service delivery (66%), changing compliance requirements (60%), data center complexity (48%) and globalization/business expansion (42%).

76% of all respondents said the “top motivator for consideration of DRaaS” to a great or some extent was the ability to failover and failback to avoid being trapped in the cloud when disaster strikes.