McKinsey & Company logo.

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McKinsey & Company logo.

McKinsey & Company is one of the most recognized names in the B2B ecosystem, as the oldest and largest global management consulting firm.

Almost 100 years after its founding, McKinsey continues to help private, public, and nonprofit organizations address complex business problems, adopt digital transformation, and achieve sustainable growth. Like many top IT channel partners, McKinsey offers a wealth of knowledgeable personnel, ongoing research, and industry experience, extending to relationships with a global network of business clients. With extensive access to the world’s best products and in-house proprietary solutions, McKinsey is worth any company’s consideration.

This profile offers a look at McKinsey services and solutions, target markets, user opinion, industry recognition, and current financial position for potential channel partners to evaluate.

McKinsey Solutions and Specialties

McKinsey offers its “functions” in ten overarching solution categories, including mergers and acquisitions, organizational performance, marketing, strategy, corporate finance, and sustainability. Notable solution areas for channel customers include digital, implementation, operations, risk and resilience, and transformation.


Emphasizing the importance of digital technology, almost 40% of the company’s work includes some component of McKinsey Digital. The Digital team consists of 5,000 technologists providing services to enhance operations, harness data analytics, and modernize core technology. With McKinsey’s design, analytics, and technology resources, no challenge or IT complexity is out of the question.


For companies needing to move fast, McKinsey offers recommendations and managed services to implement essential systems and products. The company’s experts can help organizations evaluate execution readiness, navigate onboarding and recovery, and manage deployment for the most complex hybrid IT environments.

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Marketing & Sales

To reach new clients and enhance existing relationships, McKinsey’s services for marketing and sales include customer experience and lifecycle management, shopper insights, branding, analytics, marketing ROI, and more. McKinsey partners can help organizations optimize sales campaigns, align channels, and build a sustainable salesforce.


The McKinsey Operations Practice connects strategy, technology, and implementation to transform essential and routine organization processes. The firm’s experts specifically help clients with service-oriented operations for customer experience, supply chain logistics, capital project management, and product procurement.

Risk & Resilience

Managing risk and building resilience are of the utmost importance today due to recent cyberattacks and increasing regulatory compliance. McKinsey specializes in enterprise risk management, but it’s adjusting to an evolving threat landscape for businesses like other firms. McKinsey’s partners can help organizations with risks related to operations, data privacy, credit, balance sheets, and cybersecurity.


Central to all of McKinsey’s solutions is adaptability in the fast-changing world of companies and technologies. The company’s Transformation & Restructuring unit, RTS, is McKinsey’s dedicated unit for helping clients achieve sustainable transformational change. The multinational firm can help organizations flip the script for strategy, performance, technology, or organization culture.

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Guidance from McKinsey & Company on implementing digital transformation.
Guidance from McKinsey & Company on implementing digital transformation.

Target Markets

As the largest consultancy, McKinsey & Co. serves 22 different industries with industry-specific experts and solutions, including:

  • Advanced Electronics
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Automotive & Assembly
  • Engineering, Construction & Building Materials
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare Systems & Services
  • Semiconductors
  • Technology, Media & Telecommunications
  • Travel, Logistics, & Infrastructure

The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)

In 1990, the growing consultancy established its independent think tank, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI). As a result of McKinsey’s existing commitment to research, the MGI reports on and analyzes trends in innovation, productivity, technology, urbanization, competitiveness, and more.

For technology and innovation insights, McKinsey’s recent research includes coverage on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of artificial intelligence, and the future of work.

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Industry Recognition

Forrester Wave

The Forrester Wave WhenWhat
Innovation Consulting ServicesQ2 2021Contender
AI ConsultanciesQ1 2021Leader
Digital Business Transformation ServicesQ4 2020Leader
CX Consulting PracticesQ2 2019Leader
Insight Service ProvidersQ1 2017Strong Performer

Partner Alliances and Ecosystem

McKinsey knows extending business capabilities and solutions to clients means partnering with the world’s most innovative technology vendors. The global firm’s open ecosystem of partners includes over 500 companies and featured alliances with AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft, and SAP. 

Other noted McKinsey partners across network capabilities include:

Partner TypePartners
Technology & ApplicationsAnaplan, AspenTech, HyperScience, Medallia, Qualtrics, and QuantumBlack
Data & AnalyticsCEM Benchmarking, Dynamic Yield, Finalta, Orpheus, Planetrics, PriceMetrix, Risk Dynamics, Spark Beyond, and Westney Capital Analytics
Implementation & ChangeAberkyn, Candid, Elixir, Hypothesis, Richardson Sales Performance

McKinsey Competitors

  • Accenture
  • Bain & Company
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Boston Consulting Group
  • Deloitte
  • Endava
  • Ernst & Young
  • A.T. Kearney
  • KPMG
  • PwC

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McKinsey: Company Background

Professor and consultant James O. McKinsey founded his namesake firm in 1926, making McKinsey the oldest of the Big Three management consultancies (McKinsey-BCG-Bain). In the decades following, Managing Director Marvin Bower was instrumental in expanding in North America and abroad and is known as the “father of modern management consulting.” Adopting a decentralized organizational structure, McKinsey does not have a traditional headquarters.

In 2022, McKinsey & Co. will include 30,000 colleagues in offices spread across 67 countries and 133 cities. Firm personnel represent over 130 countries and speak more than 130 languages.

Though McKinsey is not a public company, Fortune estimated its annual revenue for 2019 at $10 billion. McKinsey acquisitions add up to just 20 companies in its long history, most of which took place in recent years, including Vivid Economics, Candid Partners, Orpheus, Elixir, and VLT Labs.

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