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Contract Watch: The Offshore Solution
“Is my job moving to India?” That’s the question facing many solutions providers amid the current offshore outsourcing boom. If you examine companies like Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., the boom is real and sustainable. Teaneck, N.J.-based Cognizant’s year-to-date revenue has skyrocketed 60 percent, fueled by the popularity of its low-cost offshore development teams in India.…
Customers in Charge
Who’s in charge here? That question is at the root of the often-strained relationship between vendors and customers. On one side of the chasm of expectations are the technology requirements of customers in fulfilling their business missions; vendors grumble that those needs are too often poorly defined, not completely revealed and promise too little profit…
SuSE Acquisition Leads Novell Down New Path
Novell Inc.’s planned $210 million acquisition of SuSE Linux AG raises many questions, especially about the future of the network services company’s NetWare operating system. Novell CEO and Chairman Jack Messman maintains that the Provo, Utah, company has no plans to phase out NetWare as an operating system, saying that it is simply adding Linux…
Spifs, Pricing, Mergers and Trends: Week of Nov. 10
Prices, Policies and Spifs Come January, Tech Data will reward the top solution providers in each of its business units. Rewards include education and training, marketing funds, special pricing on support, and more. The first loyalty programs focuses on the components business unit. Hitachi Data Systems revived its lead-generation program and announced it will offer…
Five Ways To Win CRM Customers
CRM is rebounding. Despite reports of high failure rates (as high as 50 to 80 percent, according to Gartner Group and MetaGroup) almost half of all mid-sized companies are evaluating CRM systems. In fact, AMR Research Inc. suggests as much as 48 percent of mid-sized companies (organizations with revenues of less than $1 billion) are…
Downsizing NAS, Ximeta Supplies Its Technology to Iomega
Edward Park, chief executive of startup Ximeta Inc. told Extreme Tech last week that he expected Iomega would announce today that it will license the Ximeta NDAS (Network Direct Attached Storage) technology. The Ximeta technology allows network-attached storage to also directly connect to a PC through a USB 2.0 or other connection. Park also said…
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