Top Forces Affecting WAN Over Next 12 Months
42% of organizations say investments in WANs are being driven by the need for better application performance while 32.4% cite the need to support real-time applications.
Only 22.7% report that they make an effort to dynamically prioritize application traffic on the WAN. But an additional 15% are thinking about it.
44.4% report that pressure to improve WAN performance comes from the top. But 43.5% say it’s a matter of internal pride.
14% report they have WAN issues once or twice a week; another 29.5% report having issues once or twice a quarter.
65.7% report senior managers will either sometimes or mostly support additional funding for WAN.
Despite MPLS costs, 48% report that 40 percent or more of their WAN traffic is generated by leased lines.
40.9% report that Internet traffic generates more than 40 percent of their WAN traffic.
36.3% expect MPLS traffic to increase while 53% expect Internet traffic to increase.
The expense of leased lines is a top MPLS concern for 43%; uptime is cited by 23.7%.
Uptime is cited by 28% while security is a close second at 26.6%.
Enterprise apps were cited as the biggest driver of MPLS traffic by 21.7%.
Public cloud was cited by 35.7% while mobile computing usage accounted for 22.7%.
44.3% expect WAN budgets to increase in the coming year; 31.4% expect them to remain static.