Mobile bandwidth

The penetration rate is projected to increase at a 5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the next five years. Entertainment apps will account for 59% of smartphone bandwidth demand in 2018.

Tablet device penetration increases at a 20% CAGR through 2018. Though PCs are losing share to tablets, the large installed base of PCs will continue to contribute to mobile broadband bandwidth requirements.

Machine-to-machine (M2M) penetration is expected to grow at a 20% CAGR during the next five years. Network payloads per device, however, will be comparatively small.

Smartphone and tablet peak period usage will double within five years. Mobile media data rates will increase at 30% annually.

Mobile hotspot/dongle usage time is projected to increase by 50% in five years, which is caused by increased viewing of longer video formats.

Peak period bandwidth requirements per person are projected to increase from 10.1K bps per person in 2014 to 54.1K bps per person in 2018, a 52 percent CAGR. Smartphone traffic accounts for the majority of the bandwidth requirement.

Peak period bandwidth requirements are projected to increase at a 52% CAGR through 2018.

A 1,200-square-kilometer metro area with a population of 2.5 million will require cell site backhaul bandwidth in the range of 0.4G bps to 2.5G bps in 2018. Additionally, 10G-bps Ethernet links in the access network and 10G-bps rings will be needed to meet the requirement.