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Mobile bandwidth

1 - Smartphone UsageSmartphone Usage

The penetration rate is projected to increase at a 5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the next five years. Entertainment apps will account for 59% of smartphone bandwidth demand in 2018.

2 - Tablet and PC UsageTablet and PC Usage

Tablet device penetration increases at a 20% CAGR through 2018. Though PCs are losing share to tablets, the large installed base of PCs will continue to contribute to mobile broadband bandwidth requirements.

3 - The Rise of the Internet of ThingsThe Rise of the Internet of Things

Machine-to-machine (M2M) penetration is expected to grow at a 20% CAGR during the next five years. Network payloads per device, however, will be comparatively small.

4 - Mobile Device Use PatternsMobile Device Use Patterns

Smartphone and tablet peak period usage will double within five years. Mobile media data rates will increase at 30% annually.

5 - Mobile Hotspot UsageMobile Hotspot Usage

Mobile hotspot/dongle usage time is projected to increase by 50% in five years, which is caused by increased viewing of longer video formats.

6 - Peak Bandwidth UsagePeak Bandwidth Usage

Peak period bandwidth requirements per person are projected to increase from 10.1K bps per person in 2014 to 54.1K bps per person in 2018, a 52 percent CAGR. Smartphone traffic accounts for the majority of the bandwidth requirement.

7 - Future Bandwidth RequirementsFuture Bandwidth Requirements

Peak period bandwidth requirements are projected to increase at a 52% CAGR through 2018.

8 - Backhaul RequirementsBackhaul Requirements

A 1,200-square-kilometer metro area with a population of 2.5 million will require cell site backhaul bandwidth in the range of 0.4G bps to 2.5G bps in 2018. Additionally, 10G-bps Ethernet links in the access network and 10G-bps rings will be needed to meet the requirement.

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