31 percent of all respondents said they could envision a time when all of their IT would be managed by MSPs.
That percentage jumped up to half when asked strictly of IT executives.
Among respondents planning MSP outsourcing of IT management functions, service desk/help desk is the most common priority.
The opportunity to reduce costs was cited by 41 percent of IT professionals as one of their top motivations for using an MSP.
The second-biggest motivation for engaging with an MSP, access to improved technical expertise, was cited by 37 percent of IT pros.
The ability to better focus on core business was the third-biggest MSP acquisition motivation, named by 36 percent of IT professionals.
The most common management function outsourced to MSPs was storage and recovery services, used by 56 percent of respondents using MSPs.
Coming in a close second was service desk and help desk management. It is outsourced by 44 percent of those who leverage MSPs.
Among those who use MSP services, 68 percent rely on the provider to manage virtual servers.
61 percent use their MSP to manage data center infrastructure.
And 56 percent put physical server management under care of their MSP.