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Cloud confidence took another blow following the massive storage and backup failure that vaporized the archived email, calendars and phonebooks of hundreds of thousands of T-Mobile Sidekick users.

Who’s to blame? Microsoft. Here’s the story as we know it.

Microsoft’s Danger unit, a developer of Sidekick apps, provides cloud-based storage and data management services to T-Mobile subscribers. Over the weekend, the service suffered a massive failure that resulted in subscriber data being lost—perhaps irretrievably.

In its user forums, T-Mobile stated:


“We are thankful for your continued patience as Microsoft/Danger continues to work on preserving platform stability and restoring all services for our Sidekick customers. We have made significant progress this past weekend, restoring services to virtually every customer. Microsoft/Danger has teams of experts in place who are working around-the-clock to ensure this stability is maintained.

Regarding those of you who have lost personal content, T-Mobile and Microsoft/Danger continue to do all we can to recover and return any lost information. Recent efforts indicate the prospects of recovering some lost content may now be possible. We will continue to keep you updated on this front; we know how important this is to you.”


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