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As the economy started unraveling over the summer, solution providers were confronted with the grave prospects of operating in a market in which credit would tighten, customers would stop spending and vendors would pull back on the channel.


What Channel Insider’s research during the market crash yielded was look at the technologies that would sustain solid profits, how credit wasn’t tightening in the channel and insights into how solution providers planned to survive the recession.


Help the channel community understand the market conditions we’re all facing in the coming year by participating today in the Channel Insider 2009 Market Pulse survey, a measure of solution provider expectations, challenges and opportunities in the coming year.


Click Here to take the
Channel Insider 2009 Market Pulse Survey


Qualified participants will be eligible for a cash drawing. First place winner will receive $275; second place winner will receive $125 and third place will receive $50 (rules and restrictions apply).  


Channel Insider will publish initial results as soon as they become available, and well as a series of reports based on the research in January. For all interested survey participants, Channel Insider will provide an exclusive report on the survey results. Click here to request the exclusive 2009 Market Pulse Report.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Take the Channel Insider 2009 Market Pulse survey today.