Despite some challenges in 2005, Kevin Rollins, president and CEO of Dell Inc., insists the company’s business model is a strong one, and that he sees no significant changes to it in the year ahead.
Rollins recently spoke with eWEEK News Editor Dennis Fisher and senior editors Jeffrey Burt and Brian Fonseca about such issues as customer server AND channel strategies and Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
Can you give us your assessment of the company in 2005 and as 2006 approaches?
In terms of where Dell stands compared with anybody in the industry in terms of growth and profitability and size, it’s unparalleled. There are some folks who maybe posted a little better improvement over where they were in 2004, but if you look at a relative comparison, on really any metric you like, it’s hard to compare.
Financial performance, growth, revenue, share, profitability, new product introduction, particularly growth in the enterprise, there’s really no one who’s done any better than we have.
We’ve made some stumbles in terms of our relationship with Wall Street, but that really shouldn’t have a whole lot to do with our customers, and we’ve made a few stumbles on our customer account support, which are fairly easy things to fix, and knowing what we’ve done to improve there. But it has not affected the trajectory and the fundamentals of the business—the direct model and our financial performance.
Can you talk about your stumbles in the customer service area and what you’ve done to fix that area?
Read the rest of this eWEEK story: “Dell CEO: Direct Model Is ‘Religion’”