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1Data Center Downtime Disconnect

65 percent of respondents say their business model is dependent on the data center to generate revenue and conduct e-commerce.

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51 percent believe every application in the data center is mission critical.

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59 percent of respondents say the risk of an unplanned outage has increased as a result of cost constraints inside the data center.

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57 percent believe all or most of the unplanned outages could have been prevented.

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Only 42 percent of front-line personnel believe senior management fully supports their efforts to prevent and manage unplanned outages.

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Just 37 percent agree there are ample resources to bring their data center up and running if there is an unplanned outage.

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Only 32 percent agree they utilize all best practices in data center design and redundancy to maximize availability.

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60 percent of senior-level respondents feel senior management fully supports efforts to prevent and manage unplanned outages, while only 40 percent of supervisor-level employees and below feel the same way.

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56 percent of the senior-level respondents thought that unplanned outages do not happen frequently, while just 45 percent of rank-and-file respondents thought so.

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Respondents experienced 2.5 complete data center outages over the past two years.

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Partial data center outages, or those limited to certain racks, occurred 6.8 times in the same timeframe.

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The estimated number of device-level outages, or those limited to individual servers, was the highest at 11.3 over the last two years.

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Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) battery failure was the biggest cause of unexpected downtime, cited by 65 percent of respondents.

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Another 53 percent said downtime was caused by exceeding UPS capacity.An additional 51 percent blamed accidental emergency power off and human error for downtime events.

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And, finally, 49 percent reported unexpected downtime due to complete UPS failure.

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