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LOS ANGELES — Adobe System revealed some of its strategy for taking its flagship Flash Platform forward while also enabling developers to build rich applications using HTML5.

Adobe wanted to make one thing clear: The company is not abandoning Flash for HTML5, nor is it putting one ahead of the other.

Indeed, during the second day keynote at the Adobe MAX 2011 developer conference here, the company laid out several instances of how Adobe Flash technology and HTML work together to deliver highly expressive experiences in the browser and as apps.

Danny Winokur, vice president and general manager of Platform at Adobe spoke of how Flash and HTML5 development go hand-in-hand at Adobe. And he indicated that Flash 11, the latest version of the technology, along with Adobe AIR 3 will bring even more power and better experiences to users and developers.

Meanwhile, Adobe also is acquiring Nitobi, the maker of PhoneGap, a popular web framework using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS to build cross-platform mobile apps for all major mobile platforms. During the Adobe MAX day two keynote, Andre Charland, co-founder and CEO of Nitobi, joined Ben Forta, Adobe s director of evangelism, to announce that the PhoneGap Build tools will be available on the Adobe Creative Cloud platform the company announced at the opening of MAX.

Moreover, Charland said when working with PhoneGap developers can use any IDE integrated development environment you want — Eclipse, Visual Studio, Dreamweaver. Most people who are building web apps can extend that to the phone with PhoneGap.

Winokur also announced that Adobe Edge Preview 3 is now available, adding new interactivity features like looping, hyperlinks, and animation control. It also has a new built-in code snippet library and the ability to add custom JavaScript. Expand the boundaries of motion and interaction design using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

Adobe Edge is an HTML5 motion and interaction design tool that is bringing Flash-like animation to websites and mobile apps using the latest capabilities of HTML, JavaScript and CSS. The new release contains innovative interactivity features and other additions suggested by the development community, and enables content creators to easily deliver a new level of visual richness to HTML5-only websites and mobile apps.

Adobe has also extended existing tools like Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash Professional to bring the next generation of Web standards to designers and developers who rely on those tools. Adobe also released the new CSS3 Mobile Pack for Adobe Fireworks, which will enable designers to easily extract CSS3 from their design elements in Fireworks and quickly add them to their HTML based websites and mobile applications.

Moreover Adobe announced several HTML contributions. Adobe has been contributing actively to HTML5 with the W3C and through contributions to Webkit to enable new expressiveness in HTML.

To read the original eWeek article, click here: Adobe: We Love Flash and HTML5 Equally

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