Frank Ohlhorst
Windows 7 probably has the weight of the world on its shoulders. Microsoft needs their latest operating system to be a wild success to undo…
When evaluating a ruggedized portable system, it’s pretty hard to stay away from hackneyed expressions such as”battle tested,” “takes a licking” and “tough enough.” Panasonic…
According to Microsoft, The release candidate of Windows Server 2008 R2 will become publicly available around May 6 and new features will abound, perhaps making…
With the arrival of the release candidate of Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft has confirmed that they intend to go full speed ahead with a campaign…
Consumer notebooks have become all the rage, especially now that prices have dropped and functionality has increased. Many buyers are discovering that an inexpensive notebook…
One of the biggest barriers to adopting hosted services has been bandwidth. Most businesses have had to pay through the nose to get the bandwidth…
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