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When I try to display the System Information in Windows XP Home, I get the following response: Can’t Collect Information. Cannot access the Windows Management Instrumentation software. Windows Management files may be moved or missing. What can I do to correct this problem? The error message does not tell me what files are missing, so I don’t know what to look for.

Bruce Piper

The Windows XP System Information utility (Msinfo32.exe) relies on certain services to supply it with information. If the services are not running—perhaps because of an earlier diagnostic start-up—System Information displays the error shown in the figure. To fix the problem, open Administrative Tools in the Control Panel and launch the Services applet. Locate the Event Log service in the list and double-click on it. Make sure its Startup type: is set to Automatic.

If its Service status does not display Started, click on the Start button. Repeat this process for the Windows Management Instrumentation service and for the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service. You may need to log off or restart your computer to regain access to the System Information utility.