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Microsoft Corp. is looking for a few good men … and women, and, ultimately, applications that can help the company check for compatibility between the current version of the .Net Framework and the version coming in Visual Studio 2005.

The software giant is in recruiting mode, looking for independent software vendors, enterprise customers, developers, end users and others who would like to have their .Net applications tested for compatibility with the upcoming version of the .Net Framework.

At issue is the notion of breaking applications. Microsoft has identified situations where applications written to the .Net Framework 1.1 break when run against the .Net Framework 2.0.

The issues arose with the release of Beta 2 of Visual Studio 2005, also known as Whidbey, which Microsoft released last month. Beta 2 introduces the .Net Framework 2.0.

Read the rest of this eWEEK story: “Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Breaks Apps”

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