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Digital transformation

1 - Digital Business Transformation Picks Up the PaceDigital Business Transformation Picks Up the Pace

Just about every aspect of enterprise IT is undergoing a transformation. Although most companies have made significant progress, many have a long way to go.

2 - Top Three IT InitiativesTop Three IT Initiatives

At the top of the list are automating IT processes (61%) and putting in place more security measures (57%), followed closely by leveraging cloud technologies to reduce cost and mobile computing—both tied at 55%.

3 - Stage of Digital Services and Mobile AdoptionStage of Digital Services and Mobile Adoption

A full 64% report this to be a work in progress. Another 11% will plan to start next year, and another 11% have no plans.

4 - Status of Digital TransformationStatus of Digital Transformation

Just over a third (36%) said they are on schedule, while 32% admit they are behind schedule. Only 3% are significantly behind schedule.

5 - Corporate Issues Adversely Affecting Digital TransformationCorporate Issues Adversely Affecting Digital Transformation

The primary challenge according to 42% was competing priorities. Another 24% cited budget as the biggest challenge.

6 - IT Issues Adversely Affecting Digital TransformationIT Issues Adversely Affecting Digital Transformation

Nearly two-thirds (64%) cited not enough resources to maintain current systems, while 48% pointed to the lack of a comprehensive IT platform.

7 - Changes Under Way in the IT EnvironmentChanges Under Way in the IT Environment

Topping the list of changes was improving performance of digital services (52%), followed by adding more mobile services (50%).

8 - Methods of Ensuring Digital Services IntegrityMethods of Ensuring Digital Services Integrity

A full 71% are adding more monitoring tools, while 65% are putting more hardware and software redundancy in place.

9 - Impact of IT Changes on the BusinessImpact of IT Changes on the Business

Well over half (59%) said business processes are getting simpler, while 52% citied providing more remote access to end users.

10 - Effect of Rise of Mobile and Consumerization of IT on CompaniesEffect of Rise of Mobile and Consumerization of IT on Companies

Nearly half (46%) cited improvements in customer satisfaction while 44% pointed to improved innovation.

11 - Top Business Benefits of Being a Digital BusinessTop Business Benefits of Being a Digital Business

Three-quarters (75%) again cited increased customer satisfaction, while 63% pointed lower costs to the company.

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