Oh! My aching head.
When I first saw ExtremeTech’s article
Nope. I was wrong.
They really were saying that Vista is pretty good.
Oh, please.
First, let me say, I’ve been running Vista myself for quite some time. Next to me at this very moment is a Gateway 835GM. Under the hood, it has an Intel Pentium D 2.8GHz dual-core processor, an Intel 945G chip set, 1GB DDR2 (double data rate) DRAM, a 250GB SATA hard drive and built-in Intel GMA (graphics media accelerator) 950 graphics.
That’s a fairly powerful machine. Which is a good thing, because it’s the only PC in my office of 20 PCs that’s got enough oomph to run the Windows Vista February CTP (Community Technology Preview) build 5308 without driving me into fits of rage.
Mind you, it’s not enough machine for Vista. I could run any Linux with all the bells and whistles on it without a problem.
But even though this system meets Intel’s recommendations for a Vista-capable Intel Professional Business Platform, it still doesn’t have the graphics horsepower needed to carry off Vista’s much ballyhooed three-dimensional Aero Glass interface.
My point is, though, that while I write a lot about Linux, and I prefer it, my real specialty is that I know operating systems of all types and sorts, including Vista.
Read the full story on DesktopLinux.com: Why Windows Vista Will Suck
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