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Technology giant Toshiba announced Wipe for its Self-Encrypting Drive (SED)
models, a technology that allows special security capabilities, such as the
ability for sensitive user data to be securely erased when a system is powered down
or when an SED HDD is removed from the system. The feature can also be used to
erase user data prior to returning a leased system, system disposal or repurposing.

Toshiba said Wipe was created as an enhancement to Toshiba’s SED hard disk

Wipe technology may be used to set data invalidation attributes for multiple
data ranges, the company noted. Features include data encryption and secure
invalidation on power cycle and data encryption and preservation on power
cycle. Copier and printer systems vendors can also use the company’s Wipe
technology to securely invalidate sensitive document image data by
automatically erasing the SED’s internal encryption key. This feature can be
used prior to system disposal or repurposing to ensure that private data never
leaves the control of the IT department.

"Many organizations are now realizing the critical importance of
maintaining the security of document image data stored within copier and
printer systems," a company release said. "Wipe is a technology that
can automatically invalidate an HDD security key when its power supply is
turned off, instantly making all data in the drive indecipherable."

Toshiba announced its latest 2.5-inch 7,200-rpm SED HDD model in July 2010, to
address the increasing need for IT departments to comply with privacy laws and
regulations governing data security. Designed to the Trusted Computing Group
"Opal" Specification, Toshiba’s SED models provide access security
and on-board encryption for client systems such as notebook computers.

"In addition to sensitive data stored on client PCs and removable storage
devices, many organizations realize that security of ‘data at rest’ must also
extend to document images stored on the hard disk drives within copier and
printer systems," the release noted. "Toshiba’s Wipe technology
provides advanced storage security features to enable systems makers to
transparently and automatically secure private data on office copiers, printers
and other types of business imaging systems."

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