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Lost in the commotion surrounding the arrival of Microsoft’s Windows Vista and Office 2007 was the release of a product that may end up being more important than either of those two platforms, especially on the enterprise side: SharePoint Server 2007.

Microsoft considers SharePoint Server 2007 a component of Office, but it’s actually much more. You can make a very good argument that SharePoint Server is now the core platform on which almost all Microsoft-based Web, SOA (service-oriented architecture), BPM (business process management), e-commerce, content management, collaboration and, of course, portal initiatives will be built.

During my testing so far, it looks as if Microsoft has done a good job of opening up SharePoint Server so that it works well in standards-based situations while improving its integration with other Microsoft applications, including Outlook and Visual Studio.

Click here to read my full review of SharePoint Server 2007.

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