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SeekAmerica Networks, an affiliate of MCHost, which bills itself as “the leader of managed Private Label Reseller plan solutions”, is challenging other hosting providers who market themselves as private label resellers.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark office approved SeekAmerica Network’s trademark application on Dec. 9 in a move that protects its use of the phrase, “private label,” in connection with their reseller hosting plans. It granted the company a service mark (which trademarks services, rather than products).

According to a report on NetCraft.Com, MCHost CEO Marc Wyss send e-mail to the providers stating:
“If we do not receive your assurances that you will cease all use of the above mentioned marks, we will proceed with legal steps to protect our rights as well as seek damages from your company for federal trademark violation.”

Resellers in various online forums have protested the trademark and several said they intended to fight it.
Click here for the full NetCraft.Com story.

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