Sun is going to add the upcoming GNU General Public License Version 3 to OpenSolaris in addition to its current Common Development and Distribution License. This may give OpenSolaris a much needed kick in the pants.
I have never liked the CDDL. Like many other open-source licenses, which are based on the MPL (Mozilla Public License), the CDDL artificially restricts the intellectual freedom that makes open source such an incredible powerhouse of software development.
As Larry Rosen, a partner in the technology law firm Rosenlaw & Einschlag and author of “Open-Source Licensing: Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law,” told me awhile back, “My biggest concern about the proliferation of reciprocal license such as the CDDL is that we end up not with one commons of free software but multiple islands of it that can’t be interchanged for creating derivative works. We get some of the benefits of the open-source paradigm butas the Apache foundation is so fond of reminding usreciprocal licenses prevent free software from being available to absolutely everyone for modification and reuse.”
He’s right, of course. What I find even more disturbing is that the CDDL has been followed by many other MPL-based licenseslike Scalix, Socialtext, SugarCRM and Zimbrathat add even more restrictions.
For example, the SugarCRM Public License has now added a logo to its license. If you write an application based on Sugar’s code, Sugar insists that you display in your user interface a 106-by-23-pixel logo that states, “Powered by SugarCRM.” This new, and I think annoying, trend is dubbed “badgeware.”
Read the full story on Sun to Release OpenSolaris Under GPL 3