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In the Army, we commonly used an acronym to describe a persistently common bad or challenging situation. We called it SNAFU – or as many of us know it as “Situation Normal: All [EXPELATIVE] Up.” That’s sort of the feeling I got after reading Bob Faletra’s latest missive, “We Should All be Paranoid.” 

Faletra, the CEO of Everything Channel (the home of CRN and ChannelWeb), presented the premise of that solution providers should be worried about the changing market conditions and channel dynamics being brought by the economy and cloud computing that are tempting vendors to take more of their business direct. As the cloud matures and increasingly presents delivery options that bypass the channel, vendors will become increasingly tempted to go direct.

Faletra’s dire warning: “You need to be moving down the cloud path as well, and you need to be evaluating and watching your suppliers with a skeptical eye, understanding all the while why they want to do business with you. That’s not paranoia; it’s business.”

My response: SNAFU.

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