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The National Institute of Standards and Technology expanded its database of software flaws to help developers avoid introducing bugs into their code right from the start.

The Software Assurance Metrics and Tool Evaluation (SAMATE) Reference Dataset contains examples of software issues that could leave applications vulnerable to attackers. Version 4.0 of SAMATE, released Nov. 22, contains 175 broad categories of weaknesses with over 60,000 specific cases, more than doubling the number of categories that were included in the previous release.

SAMATE was launched in 2004 to improve software assurance by making it easier to identify and exclude known issues. The database helps developers test software offerings for known security vulnerabilities before going to market.

"It brings rigor into software assurance, so that the public can be more confident that there are fewer dangerous weaknesses in the software they use," said Michael Koo, project leader at NIST.

Basic vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting still account for a majority of security flaws in Web applications, and several hacktivists operating under the Anonymous banner managed to compromise several high-profile sites by exploiting those issues this year. SQL injection, classic buffer overflow and operating system command injection errors were among the top errors highlighted by the SANS Institute in June in its annual list of the top 25 most dangerous software errors.

Security experts have long urged software developers and vendors to bake security into the development lifecycle and scan for common coding errors instead of checking for potential security issues just before going to market. Security has to be part of the design, and everyone from the start has to be thinking about security implications, Marisa Viveros, vice president of IBM Security Services, told eWEEK.

The weaknesses might be compared to grammatical errors in a page of writing errors that inadvertently instruct a computer to do things that leave itself open to cyber-attack, said NIST. A number of popular programming languages including Java, C and C++ are represented. Specific examples of a coding mistake are listed in the database with a code sample illustrating how a code vulnerability was created by the way the function was written. The database is fully searchable by language, type of weakness and specific code samples. Developers receive the search results as a downloadable .zip file.

The "act of checking out software" by making sure it is not vulnerable to cyber-attack has become "so complicated" that developers rely on a static analyzer program to help with the checking, NIST said. Static analyzers run through the code looking for obvious problems, but they can only find the weaknesses they have been programmed to find. Static analyzer vendors can include the expanded SAMATE database to have a bigger reference set to search against, which would catch more errors, according to NIST.

To read the original eWeek article, click here: NIST Expands Database of Common Coding Errors to Detect Software Bugs

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