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Just in time for the after-Christmas bargain bonanza, Walmart will begin stocking the Apple iPhone 3G in nearly 2,500 stories across the U.S. beginning Sunday, Dec. 28.

In a much anticipated deal with Apple, Walmart will carry the black 8 GB iPhone 3G for $197 and the 16 BG black or white models for $297. Each iPhone sale will require a two-year service agreement with AT&T, the exclusive carrier of the iPhone.

“We are delighted to bring customers this ground-breaking mobile technology,” said Gary Severson, Walmart’s senior vice president of Entertainment, in a statement. “Our electronics associates have been preparing for many weeks for the arrival of iPhone 3G. We are excited to now help new customers learn more about the features and services that make the iPhone unique.”

Apple made no statement available for the Walmart iPhone announcement.

Early reports place Apple as one of the few electronics winners this holiday shopping season. While consumer and B2B computer and electronics manufacturers struggled to find their footing amid the receding economy, Apple’s iPod Nanos and iPhones continued to fair well.

Apple’s iPhone 3G continues as a best-seller, despite impressive gains by established rivals RIM—maker of the Blackberry Storm—and Samsung.

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