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European VAR Integralis will spend 2008
focused on expanding its U.S.
business, to enable the firm to be truly international.

Currently the VAR operates only 15 per
cent of its business through the United States
and has offices in Connecticut, New
York, California and Kansas.
Graham Jones, chief operations officer of Integralis, said of all the
operations the company runs, that in the United
States should be the largest. "This is
why we intend to focus 50 to 60 percent of our efforts in the market this
year," Jones said.

Jones said vendors in the United States
tend to operate a more mixed-channel strategy, and therefore it’s likely that
Integralis will look to new technology vendors and proving that as a VAR
his company adds value.

"We want to go international and be able to deliver quotes globally,
but we have to be able to maintain our local touch," he said. "We
will focus a lot more this year on partnering with ISPs and telcos, and on our
managed services portfolio," he added.

The company currently offers managed services around security, such as patch
management and updates. However, Jones said he wants to move the company
further into the management reporting arena. "We can give better value on
intelligence and compliance technology and consulting, and bringing the entire
solution together, which makes it more valuable for the end user and higher up
their priority list," he said.

Jones said that rather than invest in 300 people in 30 states, Integralis
intends to launch quickly into partnerships and managed services, and then take
this model into the Far East. He said the company hopes
to take the model into the Far East by the end of the
first quarter.