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Add another Mac blog to the list.

On Oct. 9, Google launched its own blog dedicated to Apple Computer’s Macintosh and other Apple applications.

The first post on Google Mac Blog by Scott Knaster, a technical writer, and Rose Yao, a Mac product manager, offered some insight into why the search engine leader decided to start the blog.

Click here to view Google Earth images of North Korea’s nuclear testing site.

“We’re pretty serious about that mission, including the ‘universally accessible’ part,” Knaster and Yao wrote about Google’s policy. “It means making products that everyone can use—including Mac users.”

In addition to the blog, Google, which is based in Mountain View, Calif., has begun to offer software downloads for the Mac, which include Mac versions of Google Earth, Google Toolbar and Google Widgets.

Click here to read about Mac and its leap to Intel.

The blog also offers links to several other blogs and Web sites dedicated to Apple and the Mac line.

The new blog and the Mac versions of some of Google’s applications come a little more than a month after Google CEO Eric Schmidt was elected to Apple’s board of directors.

A Google spokesman could not be immediately reached for comment about the new blog.

On Oct. 11, Google was scheduled to introduce a new information-sharing software product called Google Docs & Spreadsheets, which combines Writely, its word processor, with Google Spreadsheets.

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