Percentage of End Users that Use a Personal Device for Work-Related Functions81% admit it, but getting them to actually confess that is another issue all together
Will Connect to Company Network via an Unsecured Free or Public Wi-Fi Network31% admit to this risky behavior
Have Let Someone Else Use the Personal Device They Use for Work46% share something they shouldn’t
Percentage of People that Have Not Implemented Auto Lock Feature37% – probably not as many as you might have thought
33% Admit Organization’s Data Is Not Encrypted on Personal Devices
Percentage that Say Organization Has No BYOD Policy66% – Perhaps this is the actual root of the security problem
25% Have Had Their Personal Device Infected or Hacked
Provide cybersecurity training that includes physical security, WiFi security and social engineering attacks. Try to provide at least four hours of face-to-face learning per end user.
Advise clients to make password-protected auto-locking a requirement on personal devices used for work and make sure employees know what makes a password strong.
Help develop and enforce a clear, written policy that lets employees know what work-related data they may access with their own devices.