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1An Olympic Waste of Time and Money

The Number of People Planning on Following the Olympics on TV69.4% of US employees confirmed that they will be following the Olympics on TV.

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The Number of People Planning on Watching Olympics from Work37.9% also reported that they plan to watch the Olympics during work hours.

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The Number Devoting Two or More Hours a Day to Watching Olympics at Work37% of employees said they felt that it was acceptable to devote 2 hours or more of their workday to watching the Olympics.

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Males versus FemaleMore men (73.6%) than women (64.8%) plan on watching the Olympics.

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The More They Make the More They WatchOf those only making $25K or less, only 48.3% are planning to follow the Olympics. This percentage increases with income, with 81.2% of those making $75-100K planning to follow and 100% of those making $200K and above.

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The More Educated They Are the More They WatchThe Olympics will be followed by 50% of those with “No College”, increasing with education, and peaking at 80% of those selecting “Professional Degree” as their education level.

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Age Doesn’t Make Much DifferenceThe percentage of those planning to follow the Olympics didn’t fluctuate much based on age, staying within a range of 68.8-69.8%, with the exception of those in the 18-24 age group, where the interest jumps to 74.1%.

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Does Your Employer Have Policies Against Using a Work Issued Computer for Non-Work Related Activities?59.8 percent said no, 31.5 % said yes; 8.7% said they didn’t know.

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Does the Company Policy have an Actual Impact?Only people intent on watching for more than 2 hours daily are significantly affected by either the uncertainty of the company policy or the knowledge of the existence of one.

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