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1Do the Right Thing

Video conferencing technology, available from vendors such as Cisco, Polycom and LifeSize, offers the promise of revolutionizing how business is conducted. But to realize that promise, meeting participants must abide by certain etiquette rules. Here’s the list of “don’ts”

2Whispering Sweet Nothings

It might be tempting to make quiet aside to an in-room colleague during a conference call, but the unintelligible whispers are bound to make others across the wire feel a bit cagey&#151it’s the top gripe among those polled by PGi.


Checking up on your home team during a boring video or teleconference may seem gratifying, but if it costs you a deal we doubt you’ll remember who won or lost that day anyway.

4E-mail Interruptus

Frequent checking of personal e-mail is a common complaint among those running virtual meetings.


There’s nothing ruder than posing a question to a meeting participant only to find that they’ve physically left their computer mid-meeting.

6Zombie Zone Out

Whether you’re sitting at a boardroom table or in front of the web cam, letting your eyes glaze over is just plain bad manners during any meeting

7Meet Mr. Chompers

Your ‘quiet’ chewing may not be as unobtrusive as you think. Eating during a meeting is a big pet peeve among meeting leaders.

8Yankee Doodle Dandy

Save your homegrown comic book adventures for some other time&#151when you’re on a video conference your doodles are bound to be found out by those with whom you’re trying to dialogue.

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