Thin client vendor Wyse Technology is offering a new thin client solution, the first with the potential for enhanced two way video conferencing with integrated graphics. A USB 3.0 port enables the attachment of an HD video camera.

The Wyse Z90 is available with dual-core AMD G-series processors running Windows Embedded Standard 7 and offers superior 3D business graphics performance, the company says.  It also chops about $100 off the price of the top of the line product at Wyse and runs on 12.9 Watts for every task.

"The most important change to PC architectures over the last few years has been the integration of better graphics performance through higher-power GPUs," said Bob O’Donnell, vice president at IDC, in a statement. "Bringing those capabilities to thin clients will help ensure that those devices can meet the performance needs of today’s users and today’s applications."

The lower power requirements can save companies $200 per employee per year.  The new device also offers quick set up, right out of the box, Jim McNaught, chief strategy officer at Wyse, tells Channel Insider.

And while the rise of netbooks and tablet computers such as Apple’s iPad and the Samsung Galaxy Tab may cause some to wonder if thin client sales might be cannibalized, the answer so far seems to be a resounding no.

“We would have thought we would have seen cannibalization,” but there hasn’t been, McNaught says.  Rather, the company has seen more interest in its PocketCloud software client which provides remote access to another computer.

“We’ve had nearly 400,000 downloads of that product and we are seeing it on all different types of devices,” McNaught says. “We see more home PCs and Macs in the mix lately.”


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