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Symantec introduced a new, integrated package of security applications for use with internal e-mail gateways.

The Symantec Mail Security for SMTP 5.0 launch marks the first time Symantec has offered its anti-spam, anti-virus and content filtering applications for e-mail gateways as a combined product, a move the company said was spurred by customer demands for expanded integration between the tools.

Symantec said the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 5.0 package, which will become available in May, also represents its final step in integrating the technologies it added via its 2004 acquisition of Brightmail.

The company maintains that some 80 percent of all viruses enter corporate networks via e-mail gateways.

“Businesses have used a best of breed approach for anti-virus, anti-spam and content filtering, but people want simplified applications management and fewer vendors to manage relationships with,” said Matt Hartwell-Herrero, senior product manager for Symantec.

Symantec aims to quell IM woes. Click here to read more.

“What you see us addressing is people moving beyond the world of point products into a world of integrated security consoles.”

The gateway security package specifically pulls together Symantec Mail Security for SMTP and Symantec Brightmail AntiSpam, and some technologies available in the company’s Mail Security 8200 Series security appliance.

The product also includes support for virus prevention via the company’s Probe Network, including a new Suspect Virus Quarantine where administrators can view suspicious files before deciding whether or not to allow them into a network.

The company said the package features new content filtering capabilities which simplify corporate security policy enforcement, along with controls for maintaining compliance with financial and legal regulations.

It offers a graphical message auditing interface that Symantec said allows administrators to perform advanced tracking across multiple scanners in their network.

E-mail messages can be queried using the system by subject, date and time range, envelope information or IP address.

Symantec said that it will continue to integrate its network security applications into different packages that address specific issues like gateway security, including future products that add tools for filtering instant messages, VOIP (voice over IP) traffic and other Web services.

“As part of this move toward broader messaging management platform, you’ll see us combine and consolidate products into a set of fewer offerings that give customers more integrated defenses,” said Hartwell-Herrero.

“This is only our first step in taking the functionality of multiple products and rolling them together.”

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