Central Command Inc. on Thursday released its so-called Dirty Dozen list of top twelve viruses for December, 2003. The report is based on virus incidents confirmed through the Medina, Ohio-based company’s Emergency Virus Response Team.
According to the company, the Gibe.C worm, with its HTML e-mail message that impersonated a Microsoft Web site, retained the top spot for December, a position that Klez.E held five times during the year.
Here is Central Command’s December Dirty Dozen ranking with the percentage of occurrences:
- Gibe.C—21.4 percent
- Klez.E—14.7 percent
- MiMail.I—12.8 percent
- MiMail.J—5.9 percent
- BugBear.B—5.2 percent
- MiMail.K—5.1 percent
- MiMail.A—3.7 percent
- Sober.C—1.9 percent
- Nachi—1.6 percent
- MiMail.C—1.6 percent
- Hawawi.G—1.2 percent
- Dumaru.A—1.1 percent
- Others—23.8 percent