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Microsoft’s large account resellers are in no danger of having their numbers thinned by Microsoft, despite rumors to the contrary.

Stories have been circulating in Microsoft LAR (large account reseller) circles that the company’s recent audit of LARs’ performance was going to be used to set a higher bar for LARs, and that those who didn’t make the grade would be downgraded.

Matt Baxter of Waggener Edstrom, who works with the Microsoft Worldwide Partner group, said he has confirmed with Microsoft that it “is not planning to reduce the number of large account resellers, neither regionally nor worldwide.”

Does Microsoft’s Software Assurance program offer opportunities to resellers? Click here to read more.

“As you know, partners decide to enter or exit the LAR business at various times, either for their own reasons or as the result of mergers and acquisitions,” Baxter said.

“Although the number could change in the future for these various reasons, Microsoft is not planning to reduce the number of large account resellers and remains focused on working with its partners to jointly provide the best possible experience and support to customers,” Baxter said.

Microsoft LARs have been nervous about Redmond’s intentions toward them since the company started directly negotiating terms for volume licenses of Microsoft software with big corporate customers. After the deal is done, Microsoft then refers its corporate customers to LARs for services.

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