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According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, global
tablet revenues will surge to $49 billion by 2015. North America, Asia
Pacific and Western Europe will be the most valuable regions for tablet
vendors, according to the company’s research. The full report, Tablet
Regional Sales & Value by Price Tier Forecast, is published by the
Strategy Analytics Tablet & Touchscreen Strategies (TTS) service,
details of which can be found via the company’s Website.

Peter King, director at Strategy Analytics, said the company forecast
global tablet wholesale revenues to surge from zero in 2009 to $49
billion in 2015, noting tablets are a high-value casual-computing
segment that is creating “huge growth opportunities” for major brands
such as Apple and Samsung.

“We predict 80 percent of the value of the tablet market in 2015 will
reside in both high-tier and entry-tier models, as tablets address the
opportunities in both developed and emerging markets such as the Asia
Pacific region,” he said. “On a global basis, tablet revenues will
exceed those of every consumer electronics category except TVs and PCs
by 2015.”

Martin Bradley, associate director at Strategy Analytics, added in
terms of revenues, the largest opportunity for tablet vendors will be
in North America, Asia Pacific and Western Europe. “Although the
average selling prices in Asia Pacific will be less than 85 percent of
those in Western Europe by 2015, the total value of the Asia Pacific
region will exceed Western Europe by this time,” he explained.

The company recently released a related report indicating developments
in the areas of devices, networks and enterprise infrastructure are all
serving as catalysts for enterprise tablet adoption. The growth in
personal liable devices, Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) work policies,
availability of high-speed networks and an inexorable shift to
virtualized and cloud computing environments, all serve as catalysts to
drive the growth of tablet presence in the enterprise, the report said.

“Trends that include Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) are evolving from an
experimental phase to enterprise ‘norm,’ as smartphones and tablets
move into the workplace, each with its own mobile application
environment,” said Andrew Brown, a director at Strategy Analytics and
author of the report. “BYOD is driving the need for secure converged
fixed mobile access (4G, WiFi and Femtocell) and integrated IT
management. This may appear to be the IT manager’s nightmare scenario,
but improved managed mobile service tools offered by vendors, ISVs and
mobile carriers are bringing these devices under full IT control for
the first time.”

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