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1Certified Professional in Electronic Health Records (CPEHR)

Health IT Certification provides training and certification in three different health IT areas. This certification provides courses and certification in EHR, which tests professionals’ skills and knowledge in planning and managing EHR.

2Certified Professional in Health Information Exchange (CPHIE)

As health-related data moves fully into the digital world, collaboration between medical professionals is becoming more frequent and important. Health IT Certification’s CPHIE is focused on using IT to share clinical information among authorized providers that are responsible for a patient’s care.

3Certified Professional in Health Information Technology (CPHIT)

The last of Health IT Certification’s credentials covers the broad spectrum of IT related to the healthcare field. The knowledge required to pass the exam includes knowing how to plan, select and implement EHR and other IT applications for healthcare purposes.

4CompTIA Healthcare IT for Electronic Health Records

CompTIA’s Healthcare IT for Electronic Health Records certification is currently in development. When completed (it goes through its next review round from March 14-18), it will focus on the planning and implementation of EHR systems. The certification should be available sometime this year.

5HIPAA Certification

Training Camp provides training and certification in CPEHR, CPHIE and CPHIT, as well as a five-day course (exam included) for HIPAA Certification. Although not a pure IT certification, the credential prepares for professionals for the complexities of HIPAA, including privacy and security requirements of IT systems.

6Health Information Systems Certificate

Computer Systems Institute&#151Chicago provides a general Health Information Systems Certificate along with its roster of traditional IT courses and certifications.

7Associate of Applied Science&#151Health Information Technology

Although not actually a certification, Computer Systems Institute&#151Chicago also offers an Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology.